by Matt Gatsas, on Feb 27, 2025 7:15:00 AM
Employers in New Hampshire need to ensure the proper procedures regarding New Hampshire New Hire Reporting are followed. Whether hiring the first employee or the hundredth employee, there are steps to take to ensure compliance with the law.
Here is everything you need to know about how to report new hires in New Hampshire.
New Hampshire New Hire Reporting
New Hampshire businesses must submit certain information to the state when hiring new employees. This is referred to as New Hire Reporting.
New Hampshire New Hire Reporting is administered by the New Hampshire Employment Security (NHES). This is also where businesses in New Hampshire can report new hires online.
Under New Hampshire Labor Laws, all employers must report all new hires within 20 days of the hire date.
In New Hampshire, a "new hire" includes all newly hired and rehired workers. A rehired worker is considered anyone who returns to work after a break in services for at least 60 consecutive calendar days.
New Hampshire also includes individuals with whom an organization contracts for services under the definition of “new hires” if:
- The individual is a sole proprietor or individual contractor, and;
- You expect to reimburse the contractor at least $2,500 for services for one or more contracts in a calendar year's time
Required Information for New Hampshire New Hire Reporting
When hiring new employees, there is certain information that you will need to have ready about the new worker, and your business.
New Hampshire New Hire Reporting requires the following employee information:
- Social Security Number (Not FEIN #)
- Employee's/Contractor's Complete Name
- Employee's Home/Contractor's Home or Business Address: Physical Location, (Not PO Box)
- First Day of Hire
- Work State
- Type of Hire (employee or contractor)
New Hampshire New Hire Reporting requires the following employer information:
- Federal Employer Identification Number (FEIN)
- NHES Employer Account Number (if any)
- Employer's Name
- Employer's Address
How to Report New Hires in New Hampshire
Employers in New Hampshire can either report new hires online, by mail, or by fax.
Report via Mail or Fax
Employers can file reports by mailing or faxing a copy of each employee's W-4 form, or an equivalent form approved or provided by the NHES. To report independent contractors, employers should use a "Request for Taxpayer Identification Number and Certification," also known as a W-9.
Employers can call (603) 229-4371 or 1-800-803-4485 for a copy of the New Hampshire New Hire Reporting Form, or for approval of a form they've created.
Employers may also file their new hire reports via magnetic media (CD) if they wish. However, if choosing this method, reports must be made twice per month, between 12 - 16 days apart.
Employers choosing to report new hires by mail or fax can send their reports here:
NH Employment Security
PO Box 2092 Concord, NH 03302-2092
Attn: New Hire Program
Tel: (603) 229-4371 or 1-800-803-4485
Fax: (603) 224-0825
Toll-Free Fax: 855-253-9072
New Hampshire Online New Hire Reporting
The most efficient method of reporting new hires is by doing it through the online portal provided by the NHES website. Employers must have an active state account number to report new hires online.
Penalties for Non-Compliance
Employers in New Hampshire may receive both criminal and / or civil penalties for failing to adhere to the state’s new hire reporting requirements. Civil penalties include fines of up to $25 for each new hire the employer fails to report.
If it is found that an employer conspired with an employee to not report them, that same fine can be as high as $500 for each new hire that was not reported.
Start New Hampshire New Hire Reporting Today
Failing to report new hires properly in New Hampshire can result in penalties for your business, so it's important for businesses to stay on top of new hire reporting compliance.
Oftentimes, an outsourced New Hampshire payroll service will include new hire reporting as part of its standard services.
Find a provider today, or contact us to get matched with the perfect provider for your business.
Guest Author: Matt Gatsas
Matt serves as the Vice President of Trivantus, New Hampshire payroll services company providing personalized service that has lead to having been voted Best Payroll Service Company by New Hampshire Business Review for many consecutive years, and more recently, earning a spot in the ranks of Inc. 5000 as one of America's fastest growing companies. Matt spends most of his time overseeing and managing the financial functions at Trivantus. Matt graduated from Babson College with a degree in Investments and is a resident of Bedford, NH where he lives with his wife Celia and two children Calla and Matthew. A big sports fan that loves to play golf, Matt has a deep love for horse racing, helping to manage his family's Thoroughbred horse racing partnership business, Sovereign Stable, Inc, and regularly attending races.