Washington State employers need to ensure a proper understanding of Washington State New Hire Reporting Requirements. The law requires employers to report important new hire information to the state.
Here is everything you need to know about how to report new hires in Washington State.
Businesses in Washington State need to submit the required information to the state when they hire new employees. This is referred to as “New Hire Reporting”.
New Hire Reporting in Washington is administered by the Washington State Department of Social and Health Services. Requirements are outlined by Washington New Hire Reporting Law (RCW 26.23.040).
Under Washington State Labor Laws, employers must report new hires within 20 days of the hire date.
A “new hire” is considered as:
Washington State employers need to ensure that certain information is ready to go before beginning to report new hires. This required information includes both employee and employer information.
Employee information includes:
Employer information includes:
Employers have a choice in how new hire information can be reported, though the state prefers that reporting be done online / electronically.
Employers in Washington State are encouraged to report new hires using the Secure Access Washington (SAW) Portal. Additionally, the DCS Online service should be added to an employer’s SAW account.
Employers still have the option to either mail, fax, or call in to report new hires.
Employers using the fax option can submit any of the following:
Employers who choose to mail in new hire reporting information can use any of the following:
Employers who choose to call in new hire reporting information should be aware that the state’s operators are only available to take reports during regular business hours of 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday.
New Hire Program
PO Box 9023
Olympia, WA 98507-9023
Employers who are reporting new hires for the first time need only to report employees hired since your last quarterly report to the Employment Security Department. This is because the online portal only accepts dates of hire that are one year in the past or 90 days in the future.
If an out-of-state employer moves an existing employee to or has an employee who moves into Washington state, then the employer only needs to report the “new hire” if the employee is working under a new FEIN.
Employers doing business in multiple states may register with the federal Office of Child Support Enforcement (OCSE) and report all new hires and rehires to one state. Employers can either register online using the Child Support Portal or fill out a Multistate Employer Registration Form for New Hire Reporting.
Washington state recognizes Indian tribal sovereignty.
As such, Indian tribes, tribally-owned businesses, and Indian-owned businesses located on reservations are exempt from new hire reporting.
The state still encourages and appreciates the voluntary reporting of new or rehired employees.
Failure to adhere to Washington State New Hire Reporting Requirements can result in hefty fines. As such, employers should understand when and who should be reported, and with what detail.
Employers seeking help may want to reach out to a Washington payroll company, which often offers new hire reporting services or solutions that can help with reporting.
To find a provider, contact us today and start reporting your new hires.